



A job worth doing is worth doing well

Your strategic partner


oddjobbrothers is a service-station with a wide range of services.  We are specialists in being generalists.


We offer services in business development, marketing, project management, strategies and market relations. And more!

Diversity provides benefits


You do not always want to be pinned by spearhead specialists, often you hit broader and harder with a hefty and wide club of experience!


We will continue to develop for your benefit through a variety of assignments.

Turns on a dime


Based on our slim size and high flexibility, we can assist you in a wide variety of projects.


We will help you with ordinary tasks and crazy missions!

Your new love


Build a long-term relationship with a service agency that learns your business and challenges in-depth.


That we can be used on a variety of projects and assignments gives you predictability, sustainability and effortless one-stop shopping.

Best when it matters


You want results. We want results. Results that are measurable - on the first, bottom and all the lines in between.


We have the experience, the will and the ability to think new, big and strong.

Commercial creativity


We are driven by curiosity, achievements and triumphs.


We are structurally creative

We are decisively diplomatic

We are powerfully humble


Meet us now!

oddjobbrothers | Norra Agnegatan 38  | S-112 29 Stockholm | +46 (0)73 - 958 87 37 |